With curriculum progressions in Computer Science and Cyber, Minecraft offers onramps for educators to teach digital literacy at any skill level. At ISTE Live, we announced new GameCode curriculum coming next month that connects students' creativity with coding and computational thinking skills. Learners will create mini-games and learn through YouTube videos developed by our partners at Cleverlike Studios.
GameCode is also part of a new accredited AP CS Principles College Board course, offering students the opportunity to earn college credits. If you’re an AP educator, check out AP CS Principles with Minecraft and MakeCode, an introductory college-level computing course that introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science, and join our summer learning cohort.
Finally, we celebrated our new partnership with Prodigy Learning Coding in Minecraft through a workshop and booth demos. If you’re interested in an industry recognized credentialing solution, look no further!